Integrative Psychiatry
Integrative Psychiatry goes beyond simply managing symptoms with medication.
Our approach seeks to address underlying factors within the body that impact mental wellness. Integrative Psychiatry distinguishes itself from conventional psychiatry by focusing on the body’s core systems—gut health, genetics, and physiological stressors. By addressing the physiological aspects through Integrative Psychiatry and the psychological aspects through talk therapy, this combined approach creates a truly comprehensive path to healing.
A Holistic Path to Wellness
Rather than solely focusing on symptom management, we take the time to evaluate a wide range of factors that contribute to mental health, including gut health, genetic predispositions, lifestyle habits, physiological stressors, environmental toxins, and social influences. By addressing these interconnected areas, we aim to foster lasting wellness and sustainable improvements in mental health.
Here’s how we approach your treatment:
We address the gut-brain connection by analyzing microbiome health and recommending nutrition and supplements to support mental wellness.
We assess genetic variations that affect neurotransmitters, metabolism, and brain chemistry, guiding more effective and personalized care.
Chronic inflammation affects mood and cognition. We restore balance through personalized therapies and lifestyle changes.
Toxic buildup can impact mental health. We support detox pathways to enhance emotional stability and well-being.
Healthy mitochondria sustain brain energy and mood. We optimize mitochondrial function with nutrition, supplements, and stress reduction.
Medications serve as a temporary bridge while addressing underlying physiological factors. We integrate them thoughtfully to support healing.
What to Expect When Meeting with Regan Haight
With over 15 years of experience, Regan provides a thorough 90-minute evaluation to assess all contributing variables. This comprehensive assessment helps us understand what’s happening beneath the surface. To eliminate guesswork, we often incorporate lab work, gathering essential data about your body to guide treatment. Common tests include:
Genetic Testing: To identify genetic factors affecting neurotransmitter function and detoxification.
Blood Panels: To assess inflammation, hormone levels, and nutrient absorption.
Stool Samples: To evaluate gut microbiome health, a major contributor to mental wellness.
Specialized Tests: Organic Acid Tests (OAT) , Neurotransmitter metabolism tests, micronutrient evaluations and hormone testing can offer insights to assess neurotransmitter and hormone metabolism, offering insights into the root causes of symptoms.
*While these tests may not always be covered by insurance, they provide critical insights that help create a personalized treatment plan. They can be paid for with an HSA or FSA card
Mental Health as the Hub
At Etherios Therapy, we believe mental health is the hub that connects all bodily systems. Issues such as gastrointestinal imbalances, hormone dysfunction, thyroid problems, autoimmune conditions, insulin resistance, migraines, and environmental toxins can all manifest as symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health conditions. By addressing these interconnected systems, we can create lasting improvement in your mental health.
Who Thrives in Our Practice?
Clients who thrive at Etherios Therapy are those ready to take an active role in their healing. If you’re motivated to explore the root causes of your mental health symptoms, willing to invest in helpful data, and open to holistic treatments, we’re here to support you in making meaningful changes toward deeper, lasting healing.
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Insurance Accepted
Select Health Signature plan is not covered.

Regan has opened additional Friday afternoon slots exclusively for telehealth. If you want to see these additional options, select a “Video” appointment type.